Social Media Strategy

Today, we had a very exciting guest speaker in my Social media class today. The CEO of Marketing Media Management (MMM) Sheryl Connelly shared with us many helpful tips & advice to help perfect our social media tactics and strategies. She helped us understand that Social Media has come a long way from being an underrated application to now a modern day respectable career. Social media has become the boiling pot for Socialnomics & advertisement campaigns. Blogging, Tweeting, Instagraming, and so forth are all fundamental outlets for a new movement in marketing that is happening right NOW. We have to look at social media as a 21st century innovation towards marketing. There are many strategic tactics that go into Social Media campaigns and are now being used by almost every major brand and company all across the country. She tells us that a great Social Media plan begins with engaging with the client & understanding their stance before finally developing a creative pitch. (Under 120 characters so it can be tweeted) Content is key. It’s very important to outline optimization strategies & practice good syndication. Syndication is basically spreading quality content over numerous outlets such as Facebook, yelp, Instagram, twitter, and many more. This strategy spreads content to as many potential consumers as possible in hopes for feedback, social mentions, and web traffic. “It’s not about, the scissors, it’s about how you use them” was a quote Sheryl used to describe the ability one has to use Media platforms in a successful way to advance a company or brand in the media market. So, jump on board the media train because its not stopping anytime soon!

About kgentlemen7

I am a Senior Communications Major at the University of Louisville. I am also the Vice President of the UofL Club Baseball Team. I am a self taught cook and huge Food Network fan, if i'm not at school or at work, odds are I am watching the Food Network. I hope to graduate this year with a BA degree in Communication and to pursue a career in PR/Advertising.

Posted on September 6, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Thanks for the kind words, Ben. I had a blast and can’t wait to hear about your client projects. You have a clear handle on what it takes to develop the strategy and I know you and your team will ROCK IT OUT!

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